The black hole growth rate is constrained using archival X-ray and optical emission data from the XMM-Newton and the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, respectively. Results indicated that the inclusion of just one extra data point from SOFIA, which traces the peak of far-infrared emission, can better constrain the star formation estimate by nearly a factor of two. CQ4479 is best fit with a star-formation rate of 95 solar masses per year, nearly 50 times the rate in the Milky Way. This process accounts for energy balance between the stars and dust, ensuring that the re-processed light observed in the far-infrared is consistent with the amount of energy absorbed by the gas. The optical to far-infrared data were fit with a collection of stellar population, dust, and black hole models to determine the relative contribution of each to the total amount of light emitted by the galaxy. HAWC+ observations at 89 μm of the cold quasar, CQ4479, were combined with optical observations from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, infrared data from the Spitzer and Herschel space telescopes, and X-ray data from XMM-Newton to model the stellar component of the galaxy and the accretion behavior of the black hole. Cold quasars continue to host star formation rates of ~100s of solar masses per year, hundreds of times more active than our own Milky Way Galaxy. SOFIA targeted a special cold quasar, a galaxy caught in that astronomically brief transition phase when the supermassive black hole is actively accreting but a significant amount of the infrared-luminous gas remains. These observations are used to estimate the amount of star formation that has taken place over the past 100 million years. The gas surrounding young stars is heated and reradiates its thermal energy in the far infrared. It is able to detect light from the star formation process without being overwhelmed by emission from the accreting black hole. The HAWC+ instrument on SOFIA observes in this vital wavelength band.

This crucial transition process is difficult to investigate, as the hot material surrounding the black hole outshines the host galaxy at nearly all wavelengths of interest. This feedback model is commonly cited as the method that causes a star-forming, gas-rich galaxy to transition to a non-star-forming, gas-poor galaxy. The energetic output from the resulting quasar has a tremendous effect on the host galaxy, heating and expelling the gas, and shutting down star formation. When a supermassive black hole actively accretes interstellar gas, the surrounding material becomes luminous across the electromagnetic spectrum. Star formation can be shut down through many routes, one of which relies on the supermassive black hole in the heart of massive galaxies. To understand how galaxies came to be, we must investigate how their star formation histories are affected by both stellar and non-stellar processes. Astronomers observe that the early universe is filled with galaxies with an average star formation rate hundreds of times that of today, but the population over time has become more dominated by galaxies where stars are no longer born. Galaxies evolve over cosmic time from brilliant blue star producers to dull red stellar graveyards – from the proverbial Blue-and-New to Red-and-Dead. Paper: Dying of the Light: An X-Ray Fading Cold Quasar at z ~ 0.405 Signatures of AGN Feedback: The Post-SOFIA Eraīy Kevin Cooke, Allison Kirkpatrick, and Joan Schmelz Promote your Result in a SOFIA Science Spotlight Workshop: Building the 2020-2025 Instrument Roadmapīuilding the SOFIA Instrument Roadmap Workshop II SOFIA Science Instrument Development Overview Green Bank Observatory/SOFIA Joint Observations Instructions for downloading SOFIA Short Science I data SOFIA Cycle 2 Programs in Do If Time Category SOFIA NASA Observatory and Program Assessment Council (SNOPAC) German SOFIA Science Working Group (GSSWG)